Everything you need know about benign prostatic hyperplasia

12 December 2022

Did you know 40 per cent of men in their fifties and 70 per cent of men in their sixties have a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?

Urologist Dr Anthony Kiosoglous explains the prostate gland is located just in front of the bladder around the urethra and it provides fluid that nourishes and fertilises sperm cells.

“It serves a very important purpose for reproduction, however once someone is finished having children the gland becomes obsolete,” Dr Kiosoglous said.

“As we grow older the prostate gland increases in size and becomes a problem, pushing into the urethra and potentially creating a blockage which can then cause a wide range of distressing symptoms.

“Symptoms of an enlarged prostate include a weak stream, taking a long time to empty the bladder, feeling incomplete after urination, not being able to hold urine and frequent urination especially during the night.”

Dr Kiosoglous explains these symptoms don’t mean a person has prostate cancer but it is important to have them checked by a doctor.

“Sadly, there are very few symptoms for early prostate cancer which is why we recommend screening for men over the age of 50,” Dr Kiosoglous said.

“Prostate cancer screening includes blood tests and rectal examinations which can be done by a GP, this should be done annually after the age of 50 or earlier if you have a family history of prostate cancer.

“If a patient is diagnosed with BPH there are treatment options available, including surgery called prosthetic urethral lift which can provide patients with relief.”

Dr Kiosoglous said it is important to break down the stigma surrounding prostate issues as men are around 30 per cent less likely to engage with their healthcare providers than women (Source).

“If you are having issues it’s important to be seen by your GP sooner rather than later, they can check to see if it’s not something more serious and help you find relief and most importantly information,” Dr Kiosoglous said.

For more information about Urology services at The Wesley Hospital please visit our Urology page.

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