Farewell to Stacey Hatton

Today we say a bitter sweet farewell to Stacey Hatton who is retiring after 46 years of service to The Wesley Hospital.
Stacey started at the hospital on 14 February 1977 in admissions and discharges, she was instrumental in establishing the pre-admission clinic which at the time was only staffed by herself and one other team member.
“My grandmother was a member of the Hospital Auxiliary, originally working at St Helen’s Hospital, I think she was the reason I got the job here,” Stacey said.
“Working here we would find any excuse to celebrate, one year we had a 1900’s themed party. We also held art shows which I loved, I think the last one was in 1992.”
Stacey has fond memories of the hospital which are bound in a photo album of timeless memories and the amazing hairstyles of the 80’s and 90’s.
She said one of the highlights for her is a collection of letters and cards of thanks she has been given by patients.
“Working on the front desk we got to know people very well, some people had to come in quite regularly for things like cancer treatment,” Stacey said.
“You got to know them and their families, I have kept all those letters as they are so special to me.”
In 2010 Stacey moved to The Wesley Breast Clinic as an Administration Assistant, and said she loves the team there too.
“The hospital team has been like my second family, I still keep in touch with some of the ladies I used to work for,” Stacey said.
We wish Stacey all the best in her retirement and thank her for so many years of dedicated service.