Manograms on the menu at the Gambaro Prostate Cancer Care fundraising lunch

29 August 2014
Manograms, Man Sheds and MRIs is the hot topic for discussion on Friday, 5 September at the 4th annual Gambaro Wesley Hospital Prostate Cancer Care luncheon.

As well as raising funds for The Wesley Hospital, the luncheon is raising awareness of diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer during International Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.  One in eight Australian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer by age 75, and the disease claims almost 3,300 lives annually.

To be held at the Gambaro Hotel in Caxton Street, Petrie Terrace, the luncheon will be compered by Channel Nine reporter and CityKat lifestyle columnist Katherine Feeney, who will moderate the panel discussion.

On the panel will be Wesley urologist Dr Les Thompson and Professor Jelle Barentsz, Professor of Radiology at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center in the Netherlands.

Dr Thompson and Professor Barentsz collaborated on a world-first clinical study of multiparametric MRI prostate imaging (colloquially known as the “manogram”) and guided biopsy which showed that using mpMRI can improve diagnosis of life-threatening prostate cancer while reducing over-diagnosis of non-life threatening cases.

Also joining the panel discussion to share personal insights on dealing with prostate cancer will be Robert Ford, Chief Executive Officer of Victorian Leaders, and former Queensland Assistant Police Commissioner Paul Wilson.

Guests at the luncheon will also learn more about advanced, minimally-invasive prostate surgery technology, the da Vinci robotic surgical system, with a surgeon console and skill simulator to be set up in the function room.

The Wesley Hospital is the only hospital in Australia with two da Vinci Si robots and specialists have performed approximately 1,800 robot-assisted prostatectomies (removal of the cancerous prostate) at the hospital.

WHAT:        Gambaro 4th Annual Wesley Hospital Prostate Cancer Care Luncheon
WHEN:        Friday 5 September, 2014
TIME:        12noon-3pm
VENUE:    Gambaro Hotel, 33 Caxton Street, Petrie Terrace Brisbane
COST:         $100 per person, includes three-course lunch and beverages
TO BOOK:    Phone 07 3369 9500 or email    

Media inquiries:  Karen Milliner (07) 3839 7605 or 0412 443 116

Media Enquiries
Urgent or after hours: 0437 344 216

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