Supporting cancer patients during treatment

18 July 2023

Supporting cancer patients during treatment

Cancer patients have been experiencing the joy of movement in weekly yoga classes at the Choices Cancer Support Centre.

Research has demonstrated exercise during and after cancer treatment can greatly improve both physical and mental health for the patient.

Manager of Choices Dr Janine Porter-Steele said regular exercise has shown to reduce treatment related fatigue, maintain heart and lung health and improve mental health.

“Other physical benefits include improved balance, reducing muscle loss, building strength, support a healthy weight, improved sleep and reduced risk of osteoporosis,” Dr Porter-Steele said.

One participant Maddy said Choices was a wonderful resource for the community and it is a joy to come along to yoga classes.

“Our yoga instructor Sarah is a gem, she tailors the class to our individual needs and limits, cancers impact our bodies different and we are able to go at our own pace,” Maddy said.

“I also enjoy the ability to meet other survivors here and make friendships with people going through a similar experience to myself.”

Another participant Christine said coming to the yoga class was the highlight of her week, she enjoyed being able exercise in a safe and supportive space.

“I feel taller, stronger and lighter, the yoga classes have given me the ability to feel better in my own body which is something that the cancer took away from me,” Christine said.

Dr Janine Porter-Steele said Choices provides evidence based best practice care for cancer patients and their families.

“Working at Choices is a privilege, I love that I get to spend time getting to know the patients, who they are and their families,” Dr Porter-Steele said.

Choices offers free support services to anyone living with any type of cancer no matter where they are receiving treatment nor their prognosis.

The centre sees over 500 cancer patients each year who are able to access a wide range of wellness programs including yoga, exercise, art therapy, massage, reflexology, support groups and even be involved in research programs.

Did you know that you can support Choices Cancer Support Centre this July in the Dry July campaign?

You can sign up today to Go dry this July and raise vital funds for people affected by cancer, to register please visit, The Dry July page.

Media Enquiries
Urgent or after hours: 0437 344 216

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