Urban Sketchers capture Auchenflower beauty

The Brisbane contingent of the worldwide group of artists known as Urban Sketchers, enjoyed a beautiful winter’s day outside and captured the glory of the well-known Moorlands house in the Wesley’s grounds.
The house was once owned by the Mayne family and features in the well know novel The Mayne Inheritance. In 1940, the Mayne family bequeathed the home to the University of Queensland. Moorlands was subsequently sold to the Uniting Church, and The Wesley Hospital, which opened in March 1977, was built in the grounds behind the house.
Judy-Joy Bell, Manager, Brisbane Urban Sketchers Group, said the group thoroughly enjoyed sketching the beautiful building.
“Our artists’ sketches created a varied and wonderful record of this historic piece of Brisbane architecture that now sits in the grounds of such a wonderful hospital,” she said.
Moorlands House, built in the late 1800s, was not only one of Brisbane’s grand old homes, it was occupied by US service personnel during Second World War and was also a Legacy orphanage in the late 1940s. Today it houses offices for The Wesley Hospital.
To find out more about Brisbane Urban Sketchers go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/usk.bne/
About Urban Sketchers
Urban Sketchers is the brainchild of Spanish-born illustrator and journalist Gabriel Campanario, a staff artist and blogger at The Seattle Times. After seeing an increasing number of people sharing their location drawings in the blogosphere, Campanario started a flickr group in November 2007 as a showcase of urban sketches. A year later, he decided to expand the flickr initiative with a by-invitation group blog where correspondents would commit to posting on a regular basis and also sharing the stories behind the sketches.
Urban Sketchers Brisbane: https://www.facebook.com/groups/usk.bne/
International website: http://www.urbansketchers.org/