Volunteer of the Year 2019

17 December 2019

At a Christmas celebration honouring more than 300 volunteers at The Wesley Hospital, Volunteer of the Year was jointly awarded to Ian Arnold and Peter Ewart-Brown.


Their nomination:

Ian and Peter could easily be defined by their backgrounds, one a retired minister of religion and the other a former Naval Officer, however, this would be doing them a disservice. To those who know them, you will see individuals who have been shaped by their life experience and the challenges overcome during their journey. Most of all, you will become aware of their strong sense of service and desire to support others in whatever capacity, particularly as discharge volunteers in Ward 7E.  Through their actions, they have established the model for discharge volunteers in other areas of the hospital.

Ian and Peter would often be singled out for their positive contribution as discharge volunteers. Patient feedback would highlight their kindness, care and compassion.   As discharge volunteers, Ian and Peter would assist patients as they prepared to leave the hospital.   This would include a range of tasks, from picking up prescriptions to coordinating transport requirements.  

Being patient-centred comes naturally to Ian and Peter.   For both men, focusing on the patient provides an opportunity to show a generosity of spirit and a giving nature.

Ian and Peter recognise that being discharged from a hospital is a relief for many, but a long path of recovery for others.   Through their professionalism and understanding of patient needs, they have set the standard and have become the “poster-boys” for future discharge volunteers.  

Overall, Ian and Peter’s contribution to the Volunteer Department has been significant and their strong sense of service is an example to us all.  

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