Year of the Health and Care Worker: Meet Bev

26 February 2021

This year, we look forward celebrating and recognising the many different roles it takes to deliver great care by introducing you to a member of The Wesley team each month.

Bev Bruce
This month we sat down with Clinical Nurse Manager, Bev Bruce. Bev started work at The Wesley as a registered nurse in 1998 after completing her training in Toowoomba.

She has managed the cardio-vascular ward since 2012 and has been motivated over many years by the impact the team has on their patients.

“I feel that we really improve our patient’s health and they leave us better than when they came in. We have an opportunity to educate the patient and their family about future health issues,” Bev said.

“We have a great team and it’s exciting work because we are always innovating and improving, and keeping up with advances in cardiac care around the world.”

Fast Five with Bev Bruce

1. How would you describe your role and what’s the best part?

I manage a 30-bed ward at The Wesley where we care for patients who have cardiac and vascular surgery and procedures. We have capacity to monitor 30 patients on telemetry – an observation tool that allows continuous monitoring without the restriction of being attached to a bedside cardiac monitor.

We have been doing some exciting new cardiac procedures recently including TAVR and Mitral clips all done percutaneously, or through a sheath or catheter inserted into the artery or vein in the groin and threaded up to the heart.

The best part is working with an amazing team of dedicated nurses who put their own issues aside to gracefully care for the patients in our care to the best of their ability.

2. What does a typical day at The Wesley look like for you?

I start work at 6.30am and mostly work on the floor ‘in charge’ of the shift. This involves communicating with the doctors about patient treatment plans, reviewing expected discharges, allocating beds for patient admissions, and liaising with our multidisciplinary teams to ensure the smooth running of the unit. I work with patients and their families, our discharge planning team and community nursing services to ensure a safe discharge to home for our patients. I also assist the nursing team with patient care as needed.

3. What’s one thing about your role that surprises people?

Possibly being involved in ensuring the ward budget is adhered to and also interviewing and hiring staff.

4. What did the year 2020 teach you?


2020 wasn’t very different for our team. We still came to work each day and cared for our patients. However, I guess it helped us to remember that life is a delicate balance and the world view can change in an instant. We need to enjoy every moment of every day and appreciate the amazing lifestyle that we have in Australia.

5. What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I have 13 grandchildren who are an absolute delight! I love to spend time with family and friends and I also really enjoy reading.

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