Year of the Health and Care Worker: Meet Kalpana

20 December 2021

In our final profile wrapping up the Year of the Health and Care Worker, we’re excited to introduce you to Kalpana, one of our Patient Services Officers. Kalpana is always busy getting ready for tomorrow. Working in our chart room, she is one step ahead, preparing approximately 180 charts every day for tomorrow’s patients.

“In 2009, I came from India to Australia with my family. I had been working in medical auditing at a hospital in India, so when I arrived in Brisbane I registered for The Wesley Hospital's Medical Administration Certificate 3 course. Now the Wesley is my second home!” Kalpana said.

Fast Five with Kalpana

1. How would you describe your role?

I am always very busy! Time goes so fast and I love that we work in a fast-paced environment. I work in the chart room and I know I’m doing important work to prepare for tomorrow’s patients. On Saturday’s, I work in ward 4B on reception. I love Saturday’s because I enjoy the contact I get to have on the ward with the patients and the team.

2. What does a normal day at the Wesley look like for you?

Patients and staff will see me running around a lot! On average, I prepare 180 charts per day which includes all of the preadmission and admission paperwork needed for when our patients arrive at the hospital. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do and have everything prepared on time without the help of our volunteers. We are so blessed to have our ‘vollys’!

3. What’s one thing about your role that surprises people?

Even if it’s a big day and I have 230 charts to prepare, I can still finish on time. They call me the chart room Queen!

4. What did they year 2020 teach you?

Last year taught me to be patient. Family and connection with others are so important. Don’t take anything for granted. All of my family members across the world, we didn’t speak to each other for 15 years, but the pandemic brought us back together and we are now in regular contact again. I wonder a lot about when we will be able to visit India again.

5. What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love spending time with my children, cooking for them, watching movies and family get-togethers. I love cooking all Indian foods!

Media Enquiries
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