Year of the Health and Care Worker: Meet Mira

05 August 2021

This month, we sat down with Mira Fitzgerald, our Environmental Auditor for our latest Year of the Health and Care Worker profile. 

A healthcare worker smiles in a hospital corridorMira joined the team at The Wesley in 2012 and has a background in cleaning and a wealth of knowledge in both food safety standards and infection control. She performs thousands of audits each month covering every touch point across the hospital. Mira is also a proud Wesley Waste Warrior!

“My role at The Wesley is challenging, unique and fulfilling. I have an exciting role which involves making sure the hospital is maintained to the highest standard in terms of cleanliness,” Mira said.

“Each month, I undertake thousands of audits, observing among many things including correct waste disposal and cleaning of everything from the carpark to the operating theatres.

“I love my job, and I love being a part of The Wesley!”

Fast Five with Mira

1. How would you describe your role and what’s the best part?

The best part of my role is giving my best to the responsibility I have with love. I love working at The Wesley and seeing that the hospital is in tip-top condition. When I walk around the hospital, if everything is in good shape it’s extremely fulfilling for me.

2. What does a typical day at The Wesley look like for you?

A typical day for me at The Wesley involves always being on my toes and in all corners of the hospital. I’m always walking around the hospital undertaking audits of the cleaning, waste and condition of our buildings. I’m on the lookout for anything that needs fixing, cleaning or improving.

3. What’s one thing about your role that surprises people?

People often think my role is to go around looking for dust! That’s really just the tip of the iceberg. I have a big responsibility to ensure the hospital is in the best form for our patients, visitors and staff. People are also often surprised to find out that I started as a cleaner and that I undertake additional training to improve the quality and accuracy of my auditing.

4. What did the year 2020 teach you?

2020 was a wake-up call. It taught me no matter how healthy and wealthy we are, time is precious. Family and loved ones are the most important wealth we have. 

5. What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love cooking and have been a keen chef since I was a child. I’m a chef in my own right! I’m from the Philippines, so my signature dishes are spring rolls and sigsig. I also love gardening and most of all cleaning!

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